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It’s no secret that most of us thoroughly enjoy a long, hot shower during the cold winter months, and it’s also no secret that our tech devises have become a big part of our lives when it comes to communicating with one another.


Studies show that 82 per cent of Australians spend an average of 23.3 hours online each week. Not only that, but the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) have come out with some alarming numbers, stating that the average Australian adult spends approximately 13 hours a week watching TV.


Am I the only one who thinks these numbers are outrageous?! Have we ever stopped to think what this is doing to our pockets and our planet? Plus, with the cost of energy bills on the rise, can we really afford to be pursuing this lavish lifestyle? In the short run, maybe, but the future looks to be a different story.


Thankfully there’s no need to panic, as I have managed to compile a whole heap of tips and tricks to save you some coin, while simultaneously saving our planet:


Laundry & Bathroom

– Select the cold wash cycle on your washing machine. Not only does it keep your clothes looking brighter for longer, but it will save you lots of $$$, approximately $160 p.a. to be precise.

– Every minute, the average shower uses 12 litres of water. Reducing the length of your shower from 8 minutes to 4 minutes will save you both water and energy, and could end up saving you approximately $85 over the course of the year.


General Appliances

– Did you know appliances left on standby still use energy? These days, lots of appliances require recharging such as mobile phones, tablets and laptops. Once they are charged remember to switch the charger off.

– When buying new appliances, always look for the star Energy rating label, these stars act as a guide when choosing the appliances that are the most energy efficient.



– If you’re the last person to leave the room, make sure you turn the lights off.

– If you are using a desk in a small room, try using a desk lamp to light the area you are using rather than lighting the whole room.

– Swap your old light bulbs for energy efficient ones. They can last 8 times longer than standard incandescent globes and they also help the environment by producing less greenhouse gas emissions.



– Kitchen appliances use about 18% of energy in Western Australian homes. Try not to overstock your refrigerator or freezer as this will affect the amount of energy required to keep it cool.

– Do you have a second refrigerator? Perhaps in the garage to store your drinks? Having a spare refrigerator could cost you more than $230 a year to run! Trying turning this fridge off and only use it when you’re entertaining.

– Only use your dishwasher when it is full, as this will save you both energy and water.

– Regularly clean your dishwasher filter to keep it running efficiently, requiring less energy.

– Microwave ovens use less energy than standard ovens, so use your microwave when appropriate for cooking, re-heating or defrosting.



– Audio visual equipment like televisions, DVD players and computers account for around 18% of the energy usage within WA homes. Why not try turning off the TV during dinner? It will allow you to spend quality time with your family, whilst lowering your energy costs at the same time.


Heating & Cooling

– Try investing in some draught excluders (door snakes), as these will prevent heat loss under doors.

– Did you know that increasing your thermostat setting, even by even 1ºC can increase your running costs by up to 10 per cent? Try setting your air conditioning to 18 – 20ºC in winter and save yourself up to $200.


Bedroom & Study

– Your devises continue to use power even when not in use, try turning off computers, printers, scanners, modems and other devices at the wall when not in use. You’ll be surprised with how much energy you can save by doing this.
Well there you have it guys! So maybe one or two or even three people won’t be able to make the world of difference, but it’s a start! And just imagine what we could do if we had 23 million Aussies jumping on board. All it takes is a few small steps to achieve some big things.


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