Entry Requirements:
- Entrants must be 18 years of age or
- All registered owners of the subject property to be appraised must be available for the appraisal appointment with the representative of Abode Real Estate.
- Champagne will be gifted within 3 days of the appraisal being carried out. Should the appraisal be carried out remotely, the bottle of champagne will be available to be collected from our office, located Shop 1, 569 Stirling Highway, Cottesloe WA.
- For the purpose of this competition:
An entry is the name and contact details of a person who has met the entry criteria and is recorded by an appointed person within Abode Real Estate, into a database used for the purpose of this competition.
Terms and conditions:
- This promotion commences on Sunday 1st May 2022, with entries closing on Tuesday 31st May 2022 5pm.
- No cash alternative to the gift will be
- Please contact Abode Real Estate on 08 9381 9111 should you have any further queries regarding this